Using Git
Guide to contributing to the wiki via Github
by @Sam1ser
You will need a Github account and a place where you can use git.
First you need to fork the repo, clone it, then synchronise it with the main repo:
Create a fork of the main repository
Clone your fork:
git clone[username]/gitbook-wiki
Change directory into the cloned repo:
cd gitbook-wiki
Add the main repo as an upstream remote:
git remote add --track master upstream
Before you make any changes, you should always synchronise your fork to the remote repository:
Pull the remote changes to your local upstream branch:
git fetch upstream
Merge those changes with your local master branch:
git merge upstream/master
With this done, you can now edit or add wiki files. Once you've made the changes, you'll need to commit them, push them, then create a pull request:
Add the changed files:
git add [files u changed, or a wildcard, or a folder]
Commit the changes locally:
git commit -m "description of the changes you've made"
Push the changes to your fork on Github:
git push
Finally, go to[username]/gitbook-wiki/pulls and open a pull request to request that your changes be added to the site.
Last updated
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